Mhasibu Sacco, Loans, Fixed Deposit, Portal, Shares, Paybill, Dividends 2024, Contacts, Branches And Office

Mhasibu Sacco is a reputable Savings and Credit Co-operative (SACCO) for the professionals Registered under the ministry of industry trade and co-operatives. Mhasibu Sacco’s name is derived from the word Mhasibu, a Swahili word which means ‘accountant’. The formation of Mhasibu Sacco was spearheaded by ICPAK on 16th April 1986 with the purpose of providing savings and credit facilities to our members. We pride in being a tier-one Sacco with an Asset base of over Kes 5 Billion and a membership of over18,000 spread across the world. Driven by our purpose, promise, and winning together values, we are always working towards excellence, and we are never satisfied with delivering anything less than excellence.

Mhasibu Sacco

Since our inception in 1986, in collaboration with our stakeholders, we have been moving forward, built a strong brand, and experienced accelerated growth. This success has been fueled by our vision  “To be a Sacco of Excellence among the best managed in the world”. The performance-driven spirit is felt everywhere; through our Employee, Successful Products portfolio, strong brand, and Digital presence.

Our performance speaks for itself, Today Mhasibu boasts of being a tier-one Sacco with an asset base of over 5 billion. Currently, the Sacco serves over 18,000 members and has a capacity of 34 employees, a diverse product portfolio and robust marketing activities.

Mhasibu Sacco Loans

Mhasibu Sacco Gold Loan

The gold loan is a product intended to empower members to undertake development projects with long term benefits e.g. Business ventures and other investments.

Mhasibu Sacco Gold Loan Benefits

  1. Manageable repayment amounts.
  2. Longer repayment period.
  3. Interest is on a reducing balance.

Mhasibu Sacco Gold Loan Features

  1. Repayment period of 72 months.
  2. The interest rate of 14% p.a on reducing balance.
  3. The maximum entitlement is 4 times the total deposits plus shares.
  4. Guarantors and acceptable collaterals required.
  5. You can offset other loans with the Sacco at 5% interest.
  6. Terms and conditions on self- guarantee apply
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Mhasibu Sacco Swift Loan

The swift loan product is designed to assist members to meet urgent financial obligations e.g school fees and medical bills and other unforeseen circumstances.

Mhasibu Sacco Swift Loan Features

  1. The maximum amount is KES 500,000.
  2. Repayment period of 12 months.
  3. The interest rate of 1% per month on reducing balance.
  4. A member is entitled to only one loan at a time.
  5. You need to be a Sacco member for six months and have met the loan eligibility criteria.

Mhasibu Sacco Swift Loan Benefits

  • Quick processing.
  • High approval rates.
  • Short repayment period which translates to less interest.
  • Possible disbursement via the M-Pesa account.
  • No processing interest.

Mhasibu Sacco Mobi Loan

Need Fast Cash! Do not get stuck between now and next pay. Dial *346# for a quick fix or through MSACCO App.
This product is specially tailored to satisfy members with fast cash needs through their mobile phone

Mhasibu Sacco Mobi Loan Requirements

Mhasibu Sacco Mobi Loan Features

  1. Repayment period of 1 month.
  2. The loan to be graduated at a growth rate of KES 5,000 to an upper limit of KES 50,000.
  3. Interest rate of 5% on straight-line basis.
  4. Minimum deposits to access the loan is KES 50,000. For loans of KES 40,000 and above deposits must be KES 60,000.

Mhasibu Sacco Top-up Loan

The top-up loan is a special product tailored to satisfy members’ need for extra financing after taking up a Normal/Gold loan and there is still a need for more project funds.

Mhasibu Sacco Top-up Loan Features

  1. The maximum entitlement is 4 times the total deposits plus shares less any outstanding loans.
  2. The interest rate for a Gold loan top up at 14%a while normal loan top up at 12% p.a on reducing balance.
  3. Period to be determined by the remaining repayment period of the existing loan.
  4. Guarantors and acceptable collaterals required.
  5. You need to be a Sacco member for six months and have met the loan eligibility criteria.
  6. Terms and conditions on self-guarantee apply.
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Mhasibu Sacco Top-up Loan Benefits

  1. Top up loan at no interest.

Mhasibu Sacco Self-Guaranteed Loan

Mhasibu Sacco Self-Guaranteed Loan Product Features

  1. Loan advanced within the member’s deposits.
  2. Members should not have guaranteed other members.
  3. If a member has guaranteed a loan, they will be required to have their loan guaranteed.

How to pay Mhasibu Sacco loan Via Mpesa

  • Go to the Mpesa Menu
  • Select Lipa na M-PESA
  • Select Pay Bill |
  • Enter Business Number‘540700’
  • Under Account number – Enter Your Membership Number + Transaction Code

Under Account number – Enter Your Membership Number + transaction code

  • To Deposit key in ‘DEP’ (e.g. MHS*****DEP)
  • To Share Capital key in ‘SCP’ (e.g. MHS*****SCP)
  • To Child Scheme, Key in ‘CHS’ (e.g. CHS*****CHS)
  • To Insurance Premiums, Key in ‘INS’ (e.g. MHS*****INS)
  • To Mhasibu M-Sacco, Key in ‘MSD’ (e.g. MHS*****MSD)
  • To repay Mobi Instant Loan key in ‘MBL'(e.g. MHS*****MBL)
  • To repay Normal Loan key in ‘NOL'(e.g. MHS*****NOL)
  • To repay Repurchase Loan key in ‘RPL’ (e.g. MHS*****RPL)
  • To repay Refinance Loan key in ‘RFL’ (e.g. MHS*****RFL)
  • To repay Emergency Loan key in ‘EML’ (e.g. MHS*****EML)
  • To repay Short-Term Loan key in ‘STL’ (e.g. MHS*****STL)
  • To repay Gold Loan key in ‘GOL’ (e.g. MHS*****GOL)
  • To repay Gold Repurchase Loan key in ‘GRL’ (e.g. MHS**GRL)
  • To repay School Fees Loan key in ‘SFL’ (e.g. MHS*****SFL)
  • To repay Okoa Loan   ‘OKL’ (e.g. MHS*****OKL)
  • To repay Swift loan MHS*****SWL
  • To repay Normal top up loan MHS*****NTP
  • To repay Plot buying loan MHS*****PBL
  • To repay Gold top up loan MHS*****GTP
  • To repay Cheque Encashment MHS*****CQL
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Name: Name: Commercial Bank of Africa
Branch: Mama Ngina Street
Account No. 6435220015
Swift Code: CBAFKENX

Name: Equity Bank
Branch: Kenyatta Avenue Branch
Account No. 1290271968015
Swift Code: EQBLKENA

Name: Co-operative Bank
Branch: University Way Branch
Account No. 01120040136100
Swift Code: KCOOKENA

Mhasibu Sacco Contacts

Address Info

No. 68 Barclays Plaza, 8th Floor
Market Street, Next to Laico Regency Hotel


Kisumu – Pioneer House, 2nd Floor, along Odinga Oginga Sreet| Tel: 0775950870
Mombasa – Rex House 3rd Floor, Suite 10A, Moi Avenue |Mombasa Branch Tel: 0771645923

Number Phone

+254 020 5141900
+254 727455866

Telephone Lines

020-5141900Loans: 020 51419 21/22/23Recovery: 020 51419 07/08/09

Finance: 020 51419 11/12/13/14



For more information visit Mhasibu website

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