List Of Best Private Hospitals In Kitui County.

Below is a list of the best private hospitals in Kitui County. The county has several private health facilities that offer quality and affordable medical services in areas such as Pediatrics, Gynecological, Guidance and Cancelling, Urological, Physiotherapy, Radiological, Surgical operations, General consultation, and Laboratory services.

Here is a list of the best private hospitals in Kitui County.

1) Jordan Hospital ltd

It is one of the best private hospitals in Kitui County that offers services such as; Dialysis, Urological, antenatal, guidance& canceling, radiology, family planning, and curative in-patient and outpatient services.

Location: Kitui Town, Off BAT ground

Contacts: 0712 992 241

2) Doctor’s Centre Kitui

Doctor’s Centre Kitui is a comprehensive medical enterprise whose purpose is to provide Access to quality healthcare for all who need it regardless of their economic status.

It’s categorized as an Obstetrician-Gynaecologist hospital and located at Nzambani Park Gardens, Kitui Resort road from General Hospital.

For more information call: +254 700799799

3) The Kitui Family Care Hospital

It offers general consultancy services, laboratory, pharmacy, vaccinations, minor surgery, pediatrics, and ENT clinic.

Location: Along Kilungya Street, Behind Nzambani Hardware, Kitui Town

Contacts: 0720 125 709

4) Neema Hospital

It is a top private hospital in Kitui County that mainly focuses on delivering quality healthcare and value for money. It offers both in-patient and out-patient services, immunization, maternity, obstetrics, dental and ENT services, physiotherapy, and ophthalmology.

Location: Next to Kitui Stadium Contacts: +254 721 380 388

5) Bliss Medical Centre

It is a branch of the Bliss Medical Centre offering general consultancy services with appointments for specialized Medical Consultancies.

Location: Opposite Jubilee College, Kilungya Road

Contacts: 0780 100 931

6) Kitui Maternity and Nursing Home

It is a general medical clinic and nursing home located in Kitui West

Contacts: 0714 217 366

7) Muthale Mission Hospital

It offer general consultation services. It offers 24-hour emergency medical services.

Contacts: 0717 797 047

8) Central Medical Clinic

Location: Kitui Bus Park, Opposite Kitui Centre Hotel

Contacts: 0721 494 579

9) Mumoni Maternity And Nursing Home

It is one of the best private practice nursing homes located in Mwingi Town.

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Contacts: 0723 942 242

10) Mwingi Nursing Home

It offers antenatal services, basic emergency obstetric care, curative outpatient services, family planning, and medical consultations.

Location: Nzeluni- Mwingi Town

Contacts: 0727229446

11) Our Lady Of Lourdes Mutomo Hospital

It has a bed capacity of 124 with a workforce of 130. Medical services offered include; General outpatient care, dental services, pharmacy services, laboratory operations, imaging, maternity, and counseling services

Location: Mutomo, Kitui South

Contacts: +254 735 327 268

Requently asked Questions:

Conditions For Starting A Hospital in Kenya

Below are the requirements for starting a medical institution in Kenya i.e dispensary, medical clinic, eye clinic, eye hospital, health center, medical center, nursing home, maternity home, funeral home, level 3 mission hospital, level 4 mission hospital, level hospital, level 5 hospital, and a level 6 hospital.

These guidelines have been formulated by the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board.

Requirements For Starting A Medical Institution in Kenya

1. Obtain forms IX upon payment of Kshs. 1,000.00/=. Return the forms filled in and duly signed by the area Medical Officer of Health or the Provincial Medical Officer (PMO)

2. Provide Company/Business Registration Certificate

3. Submit a separate inspection report with relevant details signed by the inspection team.

4. Provide certified copies of professional qualifications of all medical personnel working therein e.g. Private Practice License for doctors and nurses and their Registration Certificates.

5. Provide building architectural plans that must be signed by relevant authorities

6. In the case of Hospitals, provide proof of mortuary/storage facilities for dead bodies.

7. In the case of Hospitals, a pharmacy run by a qualified pharmacist/pharmaceutical technologist must be in place.

8. Must pay relevant fees applicable in each category ( we have listed them below)

9. The Proprietor /Administrator/Director to ensure that:

  • The facility is kept clean
  • The Institution’s license is up to date
  • Health professionals working therein are registered/licensed appropriately

Below are the fees payable by the medical institutions 

1. Dispensary 

A health facility devoted to treating outpatients is not intended to be used for more than 12 hours. Either licensed to a Faith Based Organization (FBO) e.g. (church, mosque)

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Charges; Application Fee– 1,000  Registration Fee-5,000  Annual License Fee-5,000

2. Medical Clinic

A private practice health facility devoted to treating outpatients is not intended to be used for more than 12 hours.

Charges; Application Fee-1,000 Registration Fee– 5,000 Annual License Fee-10,000

3. Eye Clinic

An outpatient facility by an ophthalmologist that exclusively offers eye services.

Charges; Application Fee-1,000 Registration Fee– 5,000 Annual License Fee-10,000

4. Eye Hospital 

A facility that exclusively offers eye services and has:

• Outpatient facilities

• Admission beds

• Theatre

• Cataract surgeon/ ophthalmologist

Charges; Application Fee– 1,000 Registration Fee– 10,000 Annual License Fee– 30,000

5. Health Centre

A Faith-Based Organization (FBO), Community or registered organization, e.g. (school, company, church, or mosque. Comprised of consulting rooms, offices, treatment rooms, laboratory, and minor theatre providing health care services which include and are limited to providing basic health services minus specialized services e.g. x-ray, theatre, etc. Services provided: curative, inpatient, maternity, referral, ANC/FP/Immunization, and laboratory.

Charges; Application Fee– 1,000 Registration Fee-5,000 Annual License Fee– 10,000

6. Medical Centre 

A consortium of facilities and practitioners offering different services in one location.

Charges; Application Fee-1000 Registration Fee-5000 Annual License Fee-10000

7. Nursing Home 

A residential facility for persons with chronic illness which has:

• Theatre

• Mortuary

Charges; Application Fee– 1000 Registration Fee– 10,000 Annual License Fee– 20,000

8. Maternity Home

Reception of pregnant women or women immediately after childbirth and for antenatal services.

​​ Charges; Application Fee-1000 Registration Fee– 10,000 Annual License Fee– 20,000

9. Funeral Home (standalone) 

A facility where dead bodies are stored and undergo autopsy before cremation/ burial; may provide additional services including:

• Selling coffins

• Cremation

• Burial

• Transportation, among others.

Charges; Application Fee– 1,000 Registration Fee– 10,000 Annual License Fee-20,000

10. Level 3 Mission Hospital

A Faith-Based Organization (FB0) has:

• 50-100 inpatient beds

• An operating theatre

• Mortuary

• Radiology unit with X-Ray

• Resident medical practitioners or dentists

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Charges; Application Fee-1,000 Registration Fee– 10,000 Annual License Fee– 20,000

11. Level 4 Mission Hospital

A Faith-Based Organization (FB0) has:

• 100 and above inpatient beds

• An operating theatre

• Mortuary

• Radiology unit with X-Ray

• Resident medical practitioners or dentists

Charges; Application Fee– 1,000 Registration Fee-10,000 Annual License Fee-20,000

12. Level 4 Hospital

An institution that has:

• 50-100 inpatient beds

• An operating theatre

• Mortuary

• Radiology unit with X-Ray

• Resident medical practitioners or dentists

Charges; Application Fee– 1,000 Registration Fee-20,000 Annual License Fee-50,000

13. Level 5 Hospital

An institution that has:

• 100-150 inpatient beds

• An operating theatre

• Mortuary

• Intensive Care Unit

• Radiology unit with X-Ray

• Resident medical practitioners or dentists

Charges; Application Fee-1,000 Registration Fee-30,000 Annual License Fee– 80,000

14. Level 6 Hospital

An institution that has:

• 150 and above inpatient beds

• An operating theatre

• Mortuary

• Intensive Care Unit

• Radiology unit with X-Ray

• Resident medical practitioners or dentists

Charges; Application Fee-1,000 Registration Fee- 30,000 Annual License Fee– 100,000

15. Inspection and accreditation of a medical or dental school 

An institution that intends to train medical practitioners and dental practitioners.

Inspection and accreditation of a medical or dental school

Application Fee– 15,000 Registration Fee– 50,000 Annual License Fee-

Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board Contacts


Tel: 020-2728752 / 2711478 / 2724994

Mobile: +254 720 771 478/ +254 738 504 112

Website: kmpdc

Nairobi Woodlands Road off Lenana Road

P.O Box 44839 – 00100

Nairobi, Kenya

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