Mpesa Charges, Safaricom Mpesa Rates And Tarrifs.

Safaricom is the leading communication company in Kenya with the widest network coverage. it’s the largest telecommunication provider and one of the most profitable companies in east and central Africa.

It offers services ranging from MPESA, FULIZA, and M-SHWARI thus making it control the Kenyan market at 64.5%. Safaricom is most known for its Mpesa service, which is a mobile banking-based service that involves sending and receiving.

However, there are some charges and fees involved while transacting, and keep on changing depending on tax reforms.

The following are the Mpesa charges for 2024:-

Mpesa withdrawal charges from Mpesa Agent for Registered Users

Min(KSHs.) Max(KSHs.) M-PESA Charges
1 49 N/A
50 100 10
101 500 27
501 1,000 28
1,001 1,500 28
1,501 2,500 28
2,501 3,500 50
3,501 5,000 67
5,001 7,500 84
7,501 10,000 112
10,001 15,000 162
15,001 20,000 180
20,001 35,000 191
35,001 50,000 270
50,001 150,000 300

Mpesa Transfer Charges to Unregistered Users

Min(KSHs.) Max(KSHs.) M-PESA Charges
1 49 N/A
50 100 N/A
101 500 45
501 1,000 49
1,001 1,500 59
1,501 2,500 74
2,501 3,500 112
3,501 5,000 135
5,001 7,500 166
7,501 10,000 205
10,001 15,000 265
15,001 20,000 288
20,001 35,000 309
35,001 50,000 N/A
50,001 150,000 N/A

Mpesa Transfers Charges to Other Mpesa Users, Pochi La Biashara, and Business Till to customers

Min(KSHs.) Max(KSHs.) M-PESA Charges
1 49 FREE
50 100 FREE
101 500 6
501 1,000 12
1,001 1,500 22
1,501 2,500 32
2,501 3,500 51
3,501 5,000 55
5,001 7,500 75
7,501 10,000 87
10,001 15,000 97
15,001 20,000 102
20,001 35,000 105
35,001 50,000 105
50,001 150,000 105
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Mpesa charges for Sending Money to Unregistered Mpesa Number

Min(KSHs.) Max(KSHs.) M-PESA Charges
1 49 FREE
50 100 FREE
101 500 6
501 1,000 12
1,001 1,500 22
1,501 2,500 32
2,501 3,500 51
3,501 5,000 55
5,001 7,500 75
7,501 10,000 87
10,001 15,000 97
15,001 20,000 102
20,001 35,000 105
35,001 50,000 105
50,001 150,000 105

Mpesa Charges for ATM withdrawal

Min(KSHs.) Max(KSHs.) M-PESA Charges
200 2,500 34
2,501 5,000 67
5,001 10,000 112
10,001 20,000 197

Charges for Other Mpesa Transactions

Other Transactions Kshs.
All Deposits FREE
M-PESA Registration FREE
Buying Airtime through M-PESA FREE
M-PESA balance Enquiry FREE

Also, the following should be noted:

  • The maximum Account Balance is KSHs.300,000
  • Maximum Daily Transaction Value is KSHs.300,000.
  • The maximum per transaction is KSHs.150,000
  • You cannot withdraw less than KSHs.50 at an M-PESA agent outlet.
  • To initiate M-PESA person-to-person self reversal, send the transaction confirmation message to 456
  • To transact, your Safaricom line and M-PESA account must be active
  • At an agent outlet, you cannot deposit money directly into another M-PESA customer’s account
  • You earn Bonga points when you transact on M-PESA.
  • To transact at any M-PESA Agent outlet, you will be required to produce your original identification document, i.e., your National ID or Kenyan Passport.
  • Dial *234# to view applicable charges or use the M-PESA cost calculator on Safaricom App

In addition, the Safaricom App is available on both the App store and Google play

Thank you for reading, we will be updating these charges in case Safaricom announces new ones.

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