Maisha Bora Sacco, App, Loan Forms, Car Loan, Dividends, Loan Calculator, Sacco News, Careers, Ventures, Products, Contacts, And Branches

Sometime in the autumn of 1974, a small group of Unilever (Then East Africa Industries Ltd {EAI}) factory workers whirled away their mid-morning break over a cup of tea. They mulled over their life challenges mostly revolving around personal financial needs. Yet at that time of the month they wouldn’t access any salary advance from the HR department and their money lender wouldn’t consider them for a second loan until the first one was repaid. They were concerned that they could no longer meet the rising cost of living against ‘flat pay slips’. There were a myriad of bills to be settled and yet end month seemed an eternity. But wait! Someone had an idea. They could form a savings scheme to collect individual savings and advance loans from the pool. And voila! Kimbo Sacco was born!

The objective of the society was to create a vehicle to promote a savings culture among the employees of Unilever and to lend out short term micro loans to the members for personal development, school fees and medical expenses.

Society was registered and lived under the name Kimbo Sacco until October 2003 when we acquired our current name Maisha Bora Sacco after the sale of Kimbo brand by Unilever. This development further created an opportunity for the Sacco to broaden the common bond to accommodate members outside our traditional bond of Unilever and Research International. The change of name also reflected the diversity in our membership further leveraging the strategic direction to grow the Sacco.

Maisha Bora Sacco

Maisha Bora Sacco

Over the years the society has grown from strength to strength to become a commercially autonomous, democratically controlled and self-reliant business enterprise. This is due to the support received from our members and other stakeholders at large. Currently, our asset base stands at 2.08 billion; our loan portfolio is 1.8 billion. The assets are supported by member deposits of 1.7 billion, share capital of 101 million and other liabilities. The Sacco has also experienced growth is staff numbers and professional experience.

Maisha Bora Sacco has achieved key milestones as under:-

• Acquired SASRA licence in 2012• Attained a 1 billion loan book in 2015• Attained a 2 billion balance sheet in 2015• Attained double digit dividend/interest payout for over the last 5 years• Implemented a core ICT platform• Pride to have the highest Sacco saver in Nairobi County

• Being able to accommodate alternative loan collateral e.g. Property besides guarantors

Maisha Bora Sacco has won some prestigious awards in the recent past as under:-

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Awards Position
Best managed SACCO – Company/NGO sector 1st Position
Best in education and training services – Company/NGO sector 1st Position
Lowest expenditure SACCO – Company/NGO sector 1st Position
Highest average savings – Company/NGO sector 3rd Position
Best loaning services SACCO – Countrywide
1st Position
3rd Position

Maisha Sacco Philosophy


“To be the preferred financial services provider in the region ”


“Transforming lives through innovative financial solutions”


To facilitate and support the achievement of the vision and mission, the following values shall guide operations, behavior and building of the organizational culture. In the conduct of its affairs, the Board Members, Employees and other stakeholders of Maisha Bora SACCO shall embrace the following values:

  • Team Work: “We recognize that teamwork is a crucial part of our business as it is necessary for us to work well together. We make deliberate effort to collaboratively work together to achieve our goals. We cooperate and use our individual skills and provide constructive feedback while recognizing our differences as individuals.”
  • Integrity: “We strive to be transparent and accountable in all areas of our operations. We appreciate and reward exemplary services at all times by promoting accountability by encouraging openness and fairness to one another and among all stakeholders.”
  • Stakeholder Responsibility: ” Maisha Bora SACCO is a responsible partner.  We strive to enhance Corporate Social Responsibility through sustainable programs that benefit our members’ lives and their communities. This means giving back to the local communities and being environmentally conscious. This we achieve through advancing loans for our members to acquire water harvesting tanks, Eco-loos, solar lighting solutions and energy saving cook stoves.. We have also created an environment where all stakeholders share in the decision making. We recognize the benefits of synergy. We strive to create partnerships through team spirit that supports each other as we perform different functions to achieve a common goal.”
  • Professionalism: “In our effort to enhance professional competence and provide high quality services, we uphold the right skills, competences and behaviors’ among our employees. We seek to attract and retain qualified staff as well as provide quality training to our staff to bridge assessed knowledge gaps and consequently increase their competency levels.”
  • High performance culture: “Achieving sustainable growth requires commitment from the whole SACCO to build a culture that can adapt to ongoing changes in a competitive environment. We endeavor to identify and act on opportunities for positive change.The SACCO Board and management create a high-performance culture by setting clear expectations, defining employees’ roles, creating a trusting environment, and encouraging employees’ growth and development.”
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Maisha Bora Sacco Management: Board of Directors

Maisha Bora Sacco Society Ltd is governed by the constitution of Kenya; Acts of Parliament and the rules and regulations made therein; the Sacco by-laws and the policies of the Sacco.

The highest decision making organ of the Sacco is the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which elects nine (9) officials from amongst the members to sit in the board as directors and an oversight (Supervisory) Committee of three (3) members. The board is the governing body of the Sacco and includes the Chairman, Vice chairman, Treasurer and Honorary Secretary who are elected by the board from amongst the members of the board. Members of the board hold office for a period of three (3) years with one-third of the board members retiring every year but are eligible for re-election. There is a Nominating Committee to vet and clear the prospective candidates for elections.

The BOD operates through specialized sub-committees responsible for various society activities as under:-

Supervisory Committee
The Supervisory Committee consists of three members who must not be employees of the Society’s or serving on the Management Committee or any other Committee of the Society.

The Supervisory Committee is responsible for the Society’s compliance and internal control and oversight. It is also responsible for the truth and accuracy of the Society’s financial condition, and for making sure that the Society’s administrative practices and procedures are adequate to safeguard the members’ and the Society’s rights and interest.

The supervisory committee counter checks the effectiveness of the society’s internal controls through:-• Verification of all transactions of the Sacco society• Writing periodic report to be tabled at board meetings

• Presenting its reports to general meeting

Finance and Administration CommitteeFINAD Committee duties are to:-• Review and make recommendations to the board on the financial plans of the Sacco and ensure their adequacy and soundness in providing for the Sacco Society current operations and long term stability.• Review, discuss and make recommendations to the board concerning significant financial planning, management and reporting issues of the Sacco society

Credit Committee

The Credit Committee holds such meetings as the business of the Society may reasonably require.The credit committee’s duties are to:-• Ensure establishment and review of appropriate credit policy consistent with the relevant provisions of the Regulations and by-laws.• Ensure that the problem in loan accounts are adequately identified and classified as prescribed in the Regulations.

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Education Committee

Education committee duties among others are:• Review and recommend education programs for members, board members, and the management for approval by the board.

• Monitor implementation of educational programs formulated to ensure that the members and the board are well trained and prepared for the tasks they are entrusted with.

Audit CommitteeThe audit committee has a duty to:• Ensure establishment and review of the internal control system.

• Review performance and findings of the internal auditor and recommend remedial actions regularly and at least once in every three months.

Maisha Bora Sacco Management Staff

The board recruits the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Sacco who sits in board meetings and also attends general meetings as an ex-officio member.
The Society is run under the leadership of the CEO who works closely with the Senior Management Team.

The following are the current Sacco Senior Management Staff:

  • Samuel Ngure – CEO.
  • Joackim Ngere – Finance Manager.
  • Paul Bwire – ICT Manager.
  • Patrick Fundi – Credit Manager.
  • Isabel Yapkoibei – Loans Officer.
  • Abigael Mutie – Customer Care.
  • Janet Kalunda – Accountant.
  • Mercyline Nyamokami – Assistant Accountant.
  • Nelson Kirui – Assistant Accountant.
  • Florence Chepkoech – Teller.
  • Naomi Oyola – Teller.

Maisha Bora Sacco Membership

Maisha Bora Sacco membership structure as follows;

Membership Description Share Entrance Monthly payment
Code capital fee
Savings Capital GFE
A1 regular 20,000 2,000 1,000 100
A2-1 corporate 20,000 5,000 3,000 100
A2-2 chama 20,000 5,000 3,000 100
A3-1 capital investor 20,000 2,000
A3-2 exited member 20,000 2,000
B1 15,000 2,000 500 500 100
B2 10,000 2,000 500 500 100
B3 5,000 2,000 500 500 100
B4 1,000 2,000 500 500 100

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